Allotments Minutes 2011
Allotments Minutes 14th November 2011
MINUTES of the Meeting of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE held at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich on Monday 14th November 2011 commencing at 7pm Present: Cllrs C Callender, Gibbins, J Henderson, McLeod, Todd In the Chair: Cllr King Co-opted Members: Mr…
Allotments Minutes 5th September 2011
MINUTES of the Meeting of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE held at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich on Monday 5th September 2011 commencing at 7pm Present: Cllrs C Callender, Gibbins, J Henderson, McLeod In the Chair: Cllr King Co-opted Members: Mr M…
Allotments Minutes 27th June 2011
Minutes of the Meeting of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE held on Monday 27th June 2011 at 7 pm at the Guildhall Church Street Harwich Present: Cllrs C Callender, Gibbons, J Henderson, McLeod, O’Neill Chairman: Cllr King Co-opted Members: Mr M Button,…
Allotments Minutes 7th February 2011
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE held on MONDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2011 at 6. 30 pm at the PARK PAVILIONBOARD ROOM, BARRACK LANE HARWICH ESSEX Present: Councillor A Colbourne - Chairman Councillors G Calver, D McLeod, J Brown,…