Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Allotments Minutes 7th February 2011

held on MONDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2011 at 6. 30 pm

Present: Councillor A Colbourne – Chairman
Councillors G Calver, D McLeod, J Brown, J Wares and M Gardner
Co-opted Members Mr Inglis, Mr W McCoy, Mr J Steward, Mr S O’Hara and Miss J Clark

Acting Clerk to the Council: Ms L Keeley

Also Present: Mayor, Councillor S Tyrer, Deputy Mayor, Councillor B Brown and one member of the public.

Public Question Time of 15 Minutes

There were no questions.

A39/11 Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Councillor D Rutson and Mr M Button.

A40/11 Declarations of Members’ Interests
No declarations.

A41/11 New Co-opted Committee Member at Willow Way
RESOLVED for Miss June Clark to be the co-opted Committee member at the Willow Way allotment site.

A42/11 Minutes of the Last Meeting
RESOLVED that the minutes of the Allotments Committee meeting held on 28th August 2010, (previously circulated), be accepted as a true record.

A43/11 Matters Arising from the Minutes
No matters arising.

A44/11 Vacant Plots/Waiting List/Notices to Quit
The Clerk reported 2 vacant plots, 41 on the waiting list and 2 notices to quit.

A45/11 Reports of Co-opted Members
Further to minute A26/10 Mr Inglis said that redundant oil containers are generally available for collection from Harwich bus station.

Following communication with the Clerk, Mr Inglis met with an engineer from Veolia for a site visit at the Redoubt site because both taps are not working. The engineer identified a fault near to the water meter and is yet to return and rectify the problem. It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to contact Veolia.

Mr O’Hara said that the shed at Plot 9 remains in need of repair and that plot 3a remains unworked. Following a communication with the tenant at Plot 3a, the Clerk said that the tenant at Plot 3a has contacted the office to explain her situation and intends to work the plot as described in the tenancy agreement.
RESOLVED for the Clerk to contact the owner of the shed at plot 9.

Mr Steward said he is pleased that brick wall at the Abdy Avenue site has been repaired by HTC but the wire fencing at another side of the site is in need of repair. RESOLVED for the Chairman to meet with Mr Steward for a site visit and meanwhile the Clerk will look at ownership/responsibility for the wire fencing.

Mr McCoy said he is pleased to report that the bags of grass cuttings at the entrance to the site at Long Meadows have been removed as arranged with Mr Brian Edmunds (tenant at Long Meadows).

A46/11 Eviction Notices
The Clerk reported on the National Association of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Association recommendation for giving notices to quit under the provision of Section 146 Law of Property Act and it was RESOLVED the recommended procedure be adopted by Harwich Town Council.

A47/11 Growing Together
Councillor Calver informed the Committee that the “Growing Together” evening will take place on Friday, 18th March, 2011, at 7.30 pm and finishing at 9 pm. Notices will be produced and placed on notice boards at each site.

A48/11 Matters received in the post or information items raised by members Letters dated 21st August and 5th September from Mr E J Heath and contents noted. It was RESOLVED for the Clerk to write to Mr Heath thanking him for many years of work in bringing vacant plots to standard and for keeping the Committee informed on site matters.

A49/10 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Allotments Committee will be held on Monday 4th April 2011 at the Park Pavilion Board Room Barrack Lane at 6.30 pm.

Meeting closed at 7.15 pm.
