Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Allotments Minutes 27th June 2011

Minutes of the Meeting of the ALLOTMENTS COMMITTEE
held on
Monday 27th June 2011 at 7 pm at the Guildhall Church Street Harwich

Present: Cllrs C Callender, Gibbons, J Henderson, McLeod, O’Neill
Chairman: Cllr King
Co-opted Members: Mr M Button, Miss J Clark, Mr W McCoy, Mr S O’Hara and Mr Steward

Also in attendance: Mayor Cllr Brown, Deputy Mayor Cllr Thurlow and Cllr Calver
Deputy Clerk: Lesley Keeley

Also present: 1 member of the public

Public Question Time of 15 Minutes
Mr Hill (ex-tenant at Dunns Meadow) informed the Committee that Mr Hyde, the gentleman who managed the allotment association hut at Dunns Meadow, has become too ill to continue. Contents of the hut have been removed. Mr Hill said that the hut has been used by association members since 1946.

It was resolved for the Deputy Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Mr Hyde on behalf of the Committee and further resolved consideration be given as to the future use of the hut.

A01/11 Apologies for Absence
Apologies received from Cllr Todd and Mr Inglis.

A02/11 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr McLeod was elected Vice Chairman for the municipal year – proposed by Cllr Gibbons and seconded Cllr Henderson.

A03/11 Declarations of Members Interests
There were none.

A04/11 Minutes of the last Meeting
It was resolved that the minutes of the Allotments Committee meeting held on 7th February 2011 (previously circulated) be accepted as a true record.

A05/11 Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising.

A06/11 Vacant Plots/Waiting List/Notices to Quit
The Deputy Clerk reported 1 vacant plot, 46 on the waiting list and 4 pre-notices to quit.

A07/11 Reports of Co-opted Members
Mr McCoy (Long Meadows) said that further bags of grass cuttings have been left outside the gate to the site and also a large branch from a tree.

It was resolved for the Deputy Clerk to contact Environmental Services TDC and also to write a letter to the resident believed to be responsible for putting the broken tree at the site.

Some of the fencing is falling down alongside the footpath to the site and Cllr King said she will contact Mr McCoy to meet on site and inspect the fencing.

Mr O’Hara (Dunns Meadow) said that plots, 3a, 9a and 22 are not being worked. The Deputy Clerk said that pre-notices to quit have been issued and awaits outcome.

The tenant of Plot 4 has reported overhanging trees at Plot 4 (parallel to the rear gardens at Fronks Road) and it was resolved for the Deputy Clerk to clarify ownership of the trees and co-ordinate suitable clearance.

The weeds and nettles in Old Vicarage Road between the pathway and the site are very overgrown. The Deputy Clerk has reported matter to Highways ECC as has Cllr Calver in response to a report by a member of the public and an incident to a child and stinging nettles.

Mr Button (Boatswains Call) said that the recent problem with rats has been dealt with and fly tipping near to the site is ongoing.

Two gates to the site are irreparable and Mr Button said that he has obtained two ‘recycled’ gates to suit but new posts are needed. It was resolved for Mr Button to obtain an estimate for costs and inform the Deputy Clerk.

Miss Clark (Willow Way) said that her plot (7) continues to be used as a pathway. It was agreed that clear marking of pathways in addition to delineation of the edge of her plot would help and will be considered or consideration at forthcoming site inspections by Cllr King and members of the Committee.

Mr Inglis (Redoubt/Tower Hill) asked the Deputy Clerk to inform members of theft of produce during the past week. It is believed access is being gained via the pathway to Mayflower Avenue. Mr Inglis has reported the matter at the Police Station and was informed it is necessary for individual tenants to file a report and
which he is communicating to tenants when possible. He asks if the Committee would write to the Inspector at Harwich Police Station and resolved for the Deputy Clerk to follow up.

A08/11 Chairman’s Comments
Cllr King has visited all sites for familiarisation and observations are as follows:-

  • Identification of some plots is difficult especially when not marked with
  • Review of site notice boards and upkeep
  • Placement of site name, private land and fly tipping notices
  • Boundary wire fencing at Abdy Avenue is in need of repair and weeds to be
    cleared from the base of the brick wall between the side and Oakley Road – for
  • Long Meadows and rubbish on unworked area on site – Cllr King will contact
    Mr McCoy for a meeting on site
  • Willow Way – unworked plots for inspection
  • King Georges Avenue – plots 2 and 3 partly worked and resolved for the
    Deputy Clerk to contact the co-opted Committee member for his comments

Committee members and Chairman, Cllr King, will carry out an inspection of all sites and report findings at Committee and inform the Deputy Clerk on condition of sites where a pre-notice to quit (NTQ) has been issued.

A09/11 Site at King Georges Avenue
It was resolved for the Deputy Clerk to contact David Hall TDC and enquire how negotiations are progressing between TDC and Taylor Wimpey. Meanwhile, plot 5 remains untenanted and kindly has/is being kept tidy by the co-opted Committee member, Mr Mesher, and tenants at the site.

A10/11 Matters received in the post or information items raised by members
Note from tenant of plot 9a Dunns Meadow (following issue of pre-NTQ letter) with information as to work undertaken and planting which will be borne in mind at forthcoming inspection of sites.

A11/11 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Allotments Committee will be held at 7 pm on Monday 5th September 2011 at the Guildhall Church Street Harwich.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm.
