This committee is made up of all members of the council and meets every three weeks. It reviews every local planning application, considers tree applications and plays an active role in various district and regional consultations where they may impact on Harwich and Dovercourt (such as housing, transport, leisure and economic development).
Harwich Town Council acts as a statutory consultee and makes comments to Tendring District Council on a case by case basis. However, it should be noted that Tendring District Council makes the final decision on all planning applications, and does not always agree with the Town Council’s comments. Should you write to Tendring District Council to support or object to an application, it would be helpful if you also provided a copy of the letter to the Town Council in order for members to support appropriately.
View our Meetings Calendar
Planning Agendas are available 3 clear days prior to the meeting.
Meeting Minutes will be uploaded following approval at the next meeting or by contacting the office.