Planning Committee Agenda – Wednesday 17th July 2024



Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, Essex, CO12 3DS
Tel: 01255 507211

A meeting of the
to be held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich

Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 6.30pm

Public Question Time: 15 minutes will be available for members of the public to ask questions in relation to items on the agenda only.


1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Members’ Interests
To receive any ‘Pecuniary’ or ‘Other Registrable’ interests relating to items on the agenda.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Town Planning Committee held on 25th June 2024 (circulated separately).

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes
5. Town Planning Applications as per Schedule Issued by Tendring District Council

To consider the enclosed schedule of applications.

6. Determinations

To note determinations of previously considered planning applications as notified by Tendring District Council:

Refusal of application 24/00302/FUL – Conversion of dwelling to 2no. flats. 26 Victoria Street, Dovercourt.

Approval of application 24/00740/FULHH – Householder Planning Application – Erection of front porch, two storey side extension and rear extension with external chimney, glazed roof lights and Juliet balconies and single storey rear extension with glazed roof lantern (Following demolition of garage). 75 The Vineway, Dovercourt.

7. Planning Appeal Decision

To note the following planning appeals:

Refusal of the application – 22/01076/FUL – Proposed extension to Dovercourt Holiday Park to provide 35 static and lodge-style holiday caravans with environmental improvements. Dovercourt Haven, Caravan Park, Low Road, Dovercourt.

Refusal of the application – 23/01282/FULHH – Proposed first floor side addition. Rairakkushanti Mill Lane Dovercourt.

7. Matters Received in the Post or Raised by Members

• Councillor Notification – Temporary Event Notice TENOP/5175/24 – Russell’s Circus, Lower Marine Carpark. For Information Only.

• Councillor Notification – Temporary Event Notice TENOP/5180/24 – Harwich & Dovercourt Golf Club. For Information Only.

8. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Town Planning Committee is to be held on Wednesday 3rd August 2024 at 6.30pm at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich.


Dated: 10th July 2024                                                                           

Ms Lucy Ballard                                                                                                                        

Clerk to the Council


WEEK ENDING 28th June 2024
Mr Karalius
Second floor rear addition. 9 Talbot Street


Mr Eddie Clifton – A Smith Golf Ltd
Planning Application – change of use of the site from its current hotel use to offices. The Tower Hotel

Main Road


Mr Eddie Clifton – A Smith Golf Ltd


Application for Listed Building Consent – internal re-configuration/alterations to facilitate change of use from hotel to offices. The Tower Hotel

Main Road


WEEK ENDING 5th July 2024

Mr R Bennett

Planning Application – Proposed front and rear dormers to faciliate loft conversion. 315B Main Road Harwich
WEEK ENDING 12th July 2024

Mr John Carter – Colne Housing Society Ltd


Planning Application – Demolition of flats 1 and 2. New structural repairs to the adjoined flats 3 and 4.


Iceni Court

Harcourt Avenue


Please be aware that Harwich Town Council, as statutory consultees, only gets a short time period for considering applications and therefore any applications which are received after publication of the agenda, which cannot wait until the next meeting, will be added to this schedule accordingly, up until the Friday prior to the meeting.