Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Environment & Community Minutes – 12th June 2018

Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich, Essex CO12 3DS
Tel: 01255 507211
email: info@harwichtowncouncil.co.uk

held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich
Thursday 12th June 2018


Present: Councillors C Powell, A Todd, Fay, I Henderson, McLeod, G Smith
In the Chair: Councillor M Fowler
Clerk: Mrs Michelle Townsend
Also present: One member of public and no press


Cheryl Thompson asked members to consider making the local traders aware that there is salt available to them which can be collected and stored, prior to the arrival of bad weather.  The Chairman confirmed that her suggestion would be considered when discussions take place under item 10 on the agenda.

Apologies received from;
Councillors J Brown, F Powell and P Morrison

Cllr Fowler declared an interest as a member of the Harwich Conservation Panel (in relation to item 6 on the agenda).

RESOLVED: To appoint Councillor D McLeod as vice-chair of the Environment & Community Committee.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the Environment & Community meeting held on
19th April 2018 (previously circulated) be approved by the committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

E05/18 Matters Arising From the Minutes of the Last Meeting
E67/17 – Section 106 & Developer Provisions – Members reviewed the response received from Ian Taylor.  Cllr G Smith confirmed that he had attended a meeting with Ian Taylor and Cllr I Henderson and after speaking to Ian, both Cllr Henderson and Cllr Smith understood the reasons why it wasn’t replaced like for like.  TDC made assurances that there are planned improvements to the park which include a seesaw,  picnic bench, maintenance work and possibly a trampoline.  Three benches have been repainted and the goal removed. Two weeks ago there was vandalism and damage to the safety matting.  No repair work has been carried out yet but a second reminder has been e-mailed to TDC.E70/18 – 79 Stour Road – Cllr I Henderson has spoken with the relevant parties in the Planning Department.  Cath Bicknell made the decision to close the case.  The hoarding has now enclosed the site so there is no negative visual impact.  The fly tipping is not deemed a pollution issue so Chris Stathers is unable to take things further.   Another TDC department, Safer Community Team, has agreed to see if they may be able to assist under ASBO legislation.    Cllr I Henderson confirmed that some London boroughs are finding a use for this legislation to assist with getting things done so hopefully this will be another avenue to investigate.  Cllr G Smith expressed his disappointment regarding the decision made to close the case as he feels that the conditions of the previous enforcement order have never been met.
RESOLVED: Clerk to write to Cath Bicknell and ask for an explanation leading to her decision to close the case and arrange an on-site visit with Cllr G Smith and any other relevant parties.E71/18 – Untidy Site in the Conservation Area and ‘Illuminate Route’ for Mayflower 2020 – No further update.

E72/17 – There But Not There –
The Chairman met with Trevor Mills (on behalf of Ian Taylor) to view and consider the five suggested sites.  The two locations agreed were the Maritime Museum and Minesweepers Memorial.
RESOLVED:  Members supported the two locations agreed.
The Clerk made members aware that the bolts supplied with the Tommies may not be adequate for placement all year round and there would therefore be an additional cost of up to £40 for stainless steel anchor bolts, screws etc.

E73/17 – Section 106 Funding – Suggested projects have been submitted to TDC.  A future meeting is being arranged to attend Great Notley Country Park and meet with the Country Park Area Manager.

E57/17 – Buoy Located by the High Lighthouse – Members reviewed correspondence received from the Conservation Panel who confirmed that the buoy had been gifted to them. The HCP agreed with the concerns raised over the condition but advised that they have no funds to clean and repaint the buoy.
RESOLVED:  Clerk to forward details of HTC’s grant funding policy.

The report provided by Cheryl Thompson confirmed the following:
Green Flag Award – Representatives of the Harwich Society Gardening Group met with the judge on 17th May in Cliff Park.  Trevor Mills attended as did a teacher and some of the students from the H&D High school who had helped plant bulbs.  A representative from TeenTalk also came along. The outcome of the judgement is not known yet as to whether the Flag Award has been maintained.  The judge put forward some worthwhile ideas which everyone was very keen to pursue.  More ‘wild’ patches left, for bees, butterflies and other insects.  Trevor is going to weed kill areas to get rid of pernicious weeds and then sow seed or plant.  This will be on the large mound in the park. A species count was suggested for the park –  birds, reptiles, mammals, insects, along with bat and bird boxes.  Suggested bat watching nights was well received.

Trevor has organised for ‘no dogs’ signs on both gates to the children’s play park area.

Trevor also thought that TDC may be persuaded to purchase some hanging baskets for the lamp stands around the bandstand.  They cost £27 each from Parkers.  His team would water them.

•Seafront Pockets – the weed suppressant membrane and bark chips are doing a great job of keeping the weeds at bay.

Trees – Harbour Crescent – Sadly, the replacement trees have not lived.

Hanging Baskets – The hanging baskets are arriving in town on 14th June and then Danny Marvan will be hanging them up.

Cheryl Thompson confirmed that she had removed the boat as it was beyond repair and the rose bush has been moved.  Cheryl offered to re-turf the area in the interim so that it was tidy before the Secret Gardens event being held on 7th and 8th July.  Cheryl agreed that any changes to the area should be low maintenance and no requirement for watering. Suggestions put forward for the Council to consider were a circular mosaic, information board with pictures and small pieces from newspapers and memorabilia re 1953 flood and mural on the short wall facing the sphere relating to the flooding. Cheryl confirmed that there was still approximately £200 left in the budget being held by Harwich Community Primary School and that the turfing is likely to cost approximately £20.
RESOLVED: Cheryl Thompson to re-turf the area and undertake to keep the new turf watered until it is settled in. Cheryl to liaise with Harwich Community Primary School to release funds for the cost.FURTHER RESOLVED:  Councillor C Powell appointed as lead member and assisted by Councillor Fay to investigate ideas for improvements to the Flood Memorial Garden and report back to the committee.FURTHER RESOLVED: Following the funds for the turf being released, Clerk to request the balance of funds held by Harwich Community Primary School to be returned and earmarked for the improvements to the Flood Memorial Garden.
Members reviewed the response from Andy White, Tendring District Council and agreed that no further action was necessary at this stage.
Members reviewed the information received from Essex County Highways to participate in the 2018/19 partnership scheme.  The Clerk made members aware that the stock of salt housed at Wellworth-A-£ has now gone and that the proprietor no longer wishes to store the salt on his premises.  Mayflower Project still have one and a half pallets of salt left and are happy to house a further two pallets of salt.Cllr I Henderson felt that there should be better organisation and access to the salt as well as clear communication with the shop proprietors in the High Street.
RESOLVED:  Clerk to confirm HTC’s participation in the 2018/2019 Winter Salt Bag Scheme and arrange for two pallets of salt to be delivered to the Mayflower Project.FURTHER RESOLVED: Cllr I Henderson appointed as lead member assisted by Cllr G Smith and Cllr McLeod to review existing procedures and put forward suggestions for storage, managing and distribution of salt in the future.
Councillor I Henderson provided members with the following update:
Blue Roundabout – Agreement for funds will be going to cabinet soon.
Church Street – Right of Way – Nothing further to report.
Parkeston Road – Installation of Zebra Crossing – Nothing further to report.
The next meeting of the LHP will be held on 19th June 2018.Following receipt of Cllr Calver’s request, Cllr I Henderson made members aware of the significant problems with large vehicles manoeuvring adjacent to property 1A East Street. Damage has been caused to the property as vehicles are reversing and turning using the public footpath directly in front of her property.  Cllr I Henderson asked the committee to consider submitting a request to the LHP a feasibility study to be undertaken with a view to installing safety bollards on the footpath to prevent further damage to the property and protect pedestrians using the access route at the side of the property.
RESOLVED:  Clerk to compile a report and submit to the LHP for consideration.

•Cllr McLeod raised concerns over the condition of the road in Church Street and
Cllr I Henderson agreed to forward a further request via Members’ Enquiries for another inspection.
•Cllr C Powell made members aware that he holds the key for the water supply at Cox’s Pond.

The next meeting of the Environment & Community Committee is at 7pm,  on Thursday 13th September 2018 at the Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich,  CO12 3DS

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.20pm



CHAIRMAN                                                                       DATE

