Planning Minutes 23rd December 2014
held at
The 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich
Tuesday 23rd December 2014 at 6.30pm
Present: | Councillors Brown, Calver, Fowler, King, McLeod, Morrison, C Powell, F Powell, Thurlow and Todd |
In the Chair: | Councillor Day |
Clerk: | Mrs Lucy Ballard |
Also present: | 2 members of the public and 0 members of the press |
Public Question Time:
Mr Rossini, of Main Road, raised concern over planning application 14/01782/FUL and said the developers have declared that the parking at 401 Main Road where the Spiritual Church is, is used by other residents for parking, and would be available for additional parking, but this is actually private parking. He felt this was to dilute the objections from Essex County Highways raised in the original application. He raised further concern about congestion on the road as a result of the development. He also raised concern about the level of privacy to neighbouring properties and the loss of light. Mrs Kramer, of the same address, questioned the application in terms of the loss of amenity of their garden due to being over-shadowed the by flats and that the applicant claims that overlooking would be minimal. She further raised issue over the density of the development in terms of parking and the number of additional vehicles that would be accessing the new flats, given its location being close to the hospital. She asked if HTC approved of the density of the development on this small sight, which is a bland post-modern style which is not in-keeping with the existing properties. She finally made reference to the existing plum trees and whether there would be a preservation order put on them as part of the application. Members agreed to respond to these points during consideration of this application under item 6.
P082/14 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Flavell, I Henderson and J Henderson. Absences by Cllr Nicholson and Thompson |
P083/14 | DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Cllr McLeod – TDC Planning & Development Committee Cllrs C Powell and F Powell declared an interest in application 14/01840/LUEX and left the room during the discussion and vote. |
P084/14 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Planning meeting held on Wednesday 3rd December 2014 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
P085/14 | MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES MIN P078/14 – The Clerk gave confirmation that Condition 5 in relation to approved planning application 14/00164/FUL has been met and has subsequently received approval to be discharged. |
P087/14 | PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered a schedule of planning applications for weeks ending 5th December, 12th December and 19th December. RESOLVED: Recommendations in Appendix ‘A’ be submitted to Tendring District Council. |
P089/14 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Town Planning meeting will be held at the 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich on Wednesday 14th January 2015 at 6.30pm. |
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.06pm
Recommendations of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 23rd December 2014
14/01609/FULMr Dave Mitchell54 Fernlea Road Harwich | Additional storey on top of existing ground floor bathroom comprising of flat roof and render finish to match existing. Creation of new window in side elevation. Removal of downstairs wall, convert rear window to french doors and removal of existing rear door. | No Objection |
14/01768/FULMr Edward Piper 30 Ramsey Road Dovercourt |
Single storey extension to rear of property, new pitched roof to existing kitchen extension and existing window to side elevation to be repositioned. | No Objection |
14/01770/FULMr Edward Piper 30 Ramsey Road Dovercourt |
Single storey flat roof extension to rear of property, existing window to side elevation to be repositioned. | No Objection |
14/01782/FULG & K Ground Works – Mr G Smith 407 Main Road Harwich |
Erection of 24 one bed residential flats with associated parking and amenity space. | Recommends refusal on the grounds that 1. the nature of the proposed development will result in an unacceptable and unwarranted level of intrusion and overlooking to existing properties. With further comments that whilst the level of parking may meet statutory requirements it may be insufficient for a main road location. To request that all trees on site are checked for TPOsand that protection of the trees is given dueconsideration and would advise the planning authority that it has been brought to HTC’s attention that statements made by the applicant regarding permissions from third parties may be inaccurate and should be checked for authenticity. Finally should officers be minded to approve the application, HTC request that it is not determined under delegated authority but is put before the Planning committee for determination. |
14/01814/FULMr Nitin Bhayani 729 – 731 Main Road Harwich |
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 13/00457/FUL to supersede previously approved drawings with drawing no. 6833A/03 Rev B. | No Objection |
14/01809/FULMr Rob Garrett – Harwich and Dovercourt High School Hall Lane Dovercourt |
Proposed single storey extension to create a new AEN Block. | No Objection |
14/01835/LBCMrs Jennifer Monks Dovercourt Hall Annexe Hall Lane Dovercourt |
Replace double glazed window in rear gable end, with single glazed box frame sash window painted white with a black frame all to match existing in the lower part of the gable. | No Objection |
14/01840/LUEXMrs Pearl Catton Cats Whiskers 2 West Street Harwich |
C3 use as a dwelling house. | No Objection |