Planning Minutes 2nd January 2013
held at
The 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich
Wednesday, 02 January 2013 @ 6.30pm
Present: | Councillors Gibbins, C Callender, R Callender, Calver, Day, Fowler, J Henderson, I Henderson, Thompson, King, Flavell and Thurlow |
In the Chair: | Councillor McLeod |
Clerk: | Mrs Michelle Townsend |
Also present: | 2 members of the public and 1 member of the press |
Public Question Time: No Questions
P079/12 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies received from Cllrs Double, Todd and Brown |
P080/12 | DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr McLeod referred to his position on the Development & Control Committee at TDC Cllr Calver declared a non pecuniary interest with regard to application 12/01371/FUL and chose to leave the room whilst discussions and voting took place. Cllr Calver also declared a non pecuniary interest with regard to application 12/01401/FUL, and did not take part in the discussion or voting. |
P080/12 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Planning meeting held on Wednesday 12th December 2012 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
P083/12 | PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered a schedule of planning applications for weeks ending 14th December, 21st December and 28th December 2012. RESOLVED: Recommendations in Appendix ‘A’ be submitted to Tendring District Council. |
P085/12 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Town Planning meeting will be held at the 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich, on 23rd January 2013 at 6.30pm. |
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.05pm
Recommendations of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 2nd January 2013
Week Ending 14TH DECEMBER | ||
12/01101/CON M Scott Properties |
Demolition of unsafe former factory unit | No objection subject to all materials from the demolition to be removed from the site and for the site to be left in a tidy state and properly screened off. |
12/01371/FUL Mrs Angela Hodgkinson |
New dwelling | HTC objects to the application on the grounds of over developed and a lack of realistic amenity space. |
12/01392/FUL T J Morris Limited |
Erection of 1 no. retail warehouse (Class A1), along with access, servicing arrangements, car parking, landscaping and associated works. | No objection, although HTC have concerns as to the negative impact this may have on the Town Centre and would ask officers to be aware of that and seek any form of mitigation through the planning process. |
12/01401/FUL Pleass Thomson & Co |
Alterations & extensions to dwelling to provide 2 No. two bedroom flats and 1 No. ground floor Legal Aid office with associated landscaping and parking. (Extension of time on previously approved 10/00228/FUL) | No objection |
Week Ending 21ST DECEMBER | ||
CC/TEN54/12 | Replacement of existing wooden changing rooms with purpose built changing facilities and multi purpose hall. | No objection |
Week Ending 28TH DECEMBER | ||
12/01296/LBC Mr L Brown |
Retrospective application for partition installed in second floor bedroom to create en-suite. Installation of solar panels on roof. Installation of gas boiler in kitchen. Replacement of 2 windows on top floor. | HTC object on grounds that it is an inappropriate application for a listed building and a building within a conservation area. |
12/01429/FUL Silson Properties Ltd – Mr Ray Jones |
Block of 8 flats comprising of 4 x 1 bed & 4 x 2 beds | HTC objects on grounds of over development of the site, a development that is inappropriate for the location on the road layout and that we are not convinced that the infrastructure is able to cope with an additional development. |