Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Horses using district beaches

Following the recent events regarding the alleged ban on horses using the beaches within the district during the summer months, as Leader of Council, I wish to make a public statement to clarify the position.  This decision has been made by officers without the knowledge or consent of the Cabinet at Tendring District Council. This was wrong and for that I can only apologise.

Furthermore, I have requested the Chief Executive to ensure a full and thorough investigation be undertaken to find out the events surrounding this and ensure it does not happen again

Therefore, on behalf of Tendring District Council (TDC) I can confirm that there is no ban in force preventing horses using the District’s beaches, including the one at Frinton.  Although, I am pleased that the local equestrian community are now developing their own code of practice, in consultation with the Council, which will minimise the risk to public safety and ensure compliance with local byelaws.

The Council is proud that whilst access to beaches for horses is relatively rare in this country, riders have been always been able to use the Essex Sunshine Coast.  By working with the riding community on a code of conduct to preserve public safety, we are confident that we will be in a position to preserve this long into the future.

The Council can use enforcement powers under the byelaws to maintain safety, although it is hoped that by the Council working together with the community this will not be necessary.