Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Dovercourt Public Realm Scheme – public consultation launched

Today is the launch of a public consultation on the proposed Dovercourt Public Realm Scheme.

The scheme is an important initial phase of a programme of regeneration of Dovercourt town centre and is being delivered by Essex County Council in partnership with Tendring District Council as one of the Dovercourt Capital Regeneration Projects.

The project consists of a series of streetscape improvements along the Kingsway corridor in Dovercourt to help revitalise the town centre, in line with the vision set out in Tendring District Council’s Dovercourt Town Centre Masterplan. It offers an exciting opportunity to revitalise the town centre gateway and create an inviting route along Kingsway between Dovercourt Railway Station and seafront, helping to make the town centre an even more attractive place to live, work, shop and visit.

Having developed initial designs for the scheme,  feedback is to be sought from residents, businesses and visitors through our public consultation, which is running until Tuesday 16 January 2024.

While the main components of the scheme are largely determined by what was included in the original Levelling Up Fund/Capital Regeneration Projects funding bid for the project, feedback will be used to help shape the finer details of the scheme.

Find out more

For more information about the proposals, please visit the scheme webpage. You can have your say by completing the online consultation survey.

On Tuesday 12 December 2023, there will be a drop-in consultation event at Harwich Library, in Upper Kingsway, from 1pm until 8pm. Members of the project team will be in attendance to provide information about the scheme and answer any questions you may have.

Printed copies of the consultation survey and information about the proposed scheme will also be available from Harwich Library throughout the consultation. Alternatively, you can request a copy by emailing the project team at dovercourtpublicrealm@essexhighways.org.


How can you help?

Your views are welcomed on the proposed scheme and Essex Highways encourage you to share your feedback by completing their consultation survey.


They will be promoting the consultation through a variety of communication channels. However, they also really appreciate your support in sharing details of the consultation via your own networks and channels to encourage as many people as possible to respond and help ensure the final scheme best meets the town’s current and future needs.

If you have any questions or require any further information, please email  dovercourtpublicrealm@essexhighways.org.