Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Council Provides Emergency Information to Residents

In April 2017, Harwich Town Council provided emergency information to residents and delivered an Emergency Z Cards to all residential properties in Harwich and Dovercourt.

The project was set up by Harwich Town Council’s Environment and Community Committee in order to ensure that all residents had access to simple, easily accessed information in the case of an emergency. It took almost 18 months, working with TDC, utility companies and organisations such as the Environment Agency, to collate the information and to produce the card.

Cllr Charlie Powell, who has overseen the project, said

“We wanted to provide emergency information to all residents and it was a big job pulling it all together and then offering it in a simple, user friendly format.  The Z Card will be useful to everyone.”

The project cost Harwich Town Council £4,500 which included having a card delivered to every residential property in Harwich and Dovercourt.

“Officers and councillors have worked together to produce this Z Card and we are very pleased with the final product,” continued Charlie Powell.  “The cards should now be delivered and could make a big difference in an emergency.”

If you did not receive your Z Card you can collect one from The Guildhall.

For further information please contact

Cllr Charlie Powell on 07717 501868

Michelle Townsend on 01255 507211 option 4

You can download the pdf version below
