Full Council Minutes 26th June 2013
held at
The 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich
on Wednesday 26th June 2013 at 7.00pm
Present: | Councillors Brown, Calver, Day, Flavell, Fowler, J Henderson, I Henderson, King, Todd, Thurlow, Thompson, Powell and Morrison |
In the Chair: | Councillor McLeod |
Clerk: | Mrs Michelle Townsend |
Also present: | 1 members of the public and 1 member of the press |
Prayers were said by Rev Peter Mann |
013/13 | PUBLIC QUESTIONS Betty Holbrook enquired whether there were further developments regarding 20 Market Street. Cllr Flavell confirmed that he would be addressing this matter under item 6 on the agenda. |
014/13 | MAYORS ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mayor gave an account of some of the engagements attended since the last meeting, which included the Scouts AGM, Tour de Tendring, a Teen Talk fundraiser, Ipswich Marina to welcome the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships, Trinity House Service at St Nicholas, Chinese night at Alexandra House, Grassroots AGM and the very successful opening ceremony for the Harwich Festival of the Arts.The Deputy Mayor informed members that he represented HTC at a Civic Service in Felixstowe at St John’s Church. |
015/13 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on 8th May 2013 (previously circulated) be approved by the Chairman and signed as a true record. FURTHER RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Annual Mayor Making held on 16th May 2013 (previously circulated) be approved by the Chairman and signed as a true record. |
016/13 | MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES EU Regulations on Sulphur Emissions for Vessels Entering UK Waters – Cllr Todd confirmed that he was in regular contact with Richard Howitt and expressed his concerns regarding the draft regulations coming out in September. Approval was given for his request to place this on the agenda as a regular item. 20 Market Street – Cllr Flavell confirmed that the boarding had now been painted and that he will be working with Cllr I Henderson and ECC to secure a timetable of actions. |
017/13 | SKATE PARK RESOLVED: To approve the transfer of £5000 from reserves to the earmarked funds for the Skate Park. FURTHER RESOLVED: To approve to submit grant funding bids to Veolia, the Big Society Fund and the Community Initiatives Fund. |
018/13 | DRAFT GRANT FUNDING POLICY & EVALUATION FORM RESOLVED: To adopted the draft grant funding policy and evaluation form. |
019/13 | COUNCILLOR AND CHAIR ALLOWANCES RESOLVED: To freeze the Chairman’s allowance for the lifetime of this council so that no increases would be proposed until after the next election. |
020/13 | BUSINESS CARDS RESOLVED: To approval the draft business card designed by Autoprint with the inclusion of Harwich Town Council’s website address. FURTHER RESOLVED: All orders for HTC business cards to be placed through the Clerk. FURTHER RESOLVED: The cost of purchasing HTC business cards is to be borne by the individual member. |
021/13 | HARWICH MATERNITY SERVICES Cllr I Henderson briefed members on the situation facing Harwich’s Maternity Unit and the need for urgent action to protect maternity care in the Town and the impact it will have on expectant mothers in the Tendring area. It was felt that the consultation was flawed and not adequate as it does not give all available options to the public. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to Helen Kershaw to answer questions over the proposals in the consultation and plans to close the Maternity Unit and demand the inclusion to keep the unit as it currently is. Copy to Bernard Jenkin MP |
022/13 | TOWN TOURISM WORKING PARTY Cllr I Henderson updated members on sterling work of the working party and the results shown form the last cruise ship visit. To help boost the local economy, the benefits of providing crew members with a shuttle/courtesy bus to the Town Centre was discussed along with the suggested potential income for the local businesses for the 24 planned turn around calls. F&GP Committee has recommended that the Economic Budget could be utilised to provide transport and costs for signs and advertising the service. RESOLVED: To approve expenditure from the Economic Development budget, up to the value of £4000 to cover costs of transport for the crews and other associated costs. |
023/13 | DISTRICT TOURISM PARTNERS MEETING RESOLVED:To nominate the Clerk as HTC representative to attend the DTP meeting on 11th July. |
024/13 | MINUTES OF THE LAST ENVIRONMENT & COMMUNITY COMMITTEE MEETING E09/13 – Cllr I Henderson informed members on the successful projects put forward to the Local Highways Panel for the area – approval given for: •Old Harwich – speed survey •Ingestre Street Junction – lining work •George Street Junction – £2000 set aside for investigation work •Parkeston Road – Speed survey agreed for this road •The Hangings – Bicycle route agreed •Lower Marine Parade – Pedestrian Crossing Cllr I Henderson also confirmed the highways adoption of Pattricks Lane will go ahead some time this year. RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting of the Environment & Community Committee held on 20th May 2013 (previously circulated) be received. |
025/13 | MINUTES OF LAST FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES MEETING RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 11th June 2013 (previously circulated) be received. FURTHER RESOLVED: To approve the following grant funding applications: •Homestart – Harwich – £1665 •Harwich International Shanty Festival – £1050 FURTHER RESOLVED: that the confidential minutes of the meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee held on 11th June 2013 (previously circulated) be received. |
026/13 | ACCOUNTS Payments and receipts, current balances, financial activity against budgets and earmarked funds were noted. RESOLVED: to authorise payments as listed in Appendix A |
027/13 | BRIEF REPORT BY MEMBERS Cllr Flavell confirmed this attendance at a meeting of the Festival of the Arts and made reference to the broad spectrum and range of activities and recitals.Cllr King confirmed her attendance at a meeting of the H&D Community Association. Thanks was given to Cllr Thurlow and Dale Cheesman for their hard work and perseverance with keeping the club going through difficult times.Cllr Thurlow confirmed that the Royal British Legion has now reformed and progressing well. Cllr Morrison congratulated Cllr Thurlow on becoming President of the British Legion. Cllr Powell confirmed his attendance at the Parish Transport meeting and will be asking the Clerk to forward information received. |
028/13 | CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED IN THE POST OR RAISED BY MEMBERS Babergh District Council – Consultation on a ‘new’ draft Supplementary Planning Document on Affordable Housing – noted Affinity Water – Draft Water Resources Management Plan Consultation – noted Letter of Thanks from Zoe Harding-Double and family – notedCllr Flavell commended Andrew Garrard, from the Salvation Army, on the outstanding job that he has done for the community; in particular his assistance during the West Street fires. All members felt it was appropriate for the Mayor to forward a letter of thanks.Members wished to formally note their thanks for the remarkable job that the Acting Clerk has done during the challenging time of acting up and lone working to cover maternity leave. |
029/13 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of Harwich Town Council will be held on Wednesday 7th August 2013 at The 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich, at 7.00pm, or at the rise of the Town Planning Committee, whichever is the later. |
030/13 | EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS Pursuant to Sub-section 2 of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the meeting was closed to the press and public by virtue of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted:• To review quotations received and consider actions regarding fire safety. • To review quotations received and consider actions regarding transport for the Cruise Ship crew and associated costs. |
The Chairman closed the public part of the meeting at 8.10pm.