Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Annual Meeting 2011

TUESDAY 19th APRIL 2011 at 7.00 pm

Present: Councillors B Brown in the Chair, Councillors Burke, Callender, Calver, Colbourne, Double, Gardner, Henderson, Mcleod, Morrison, Rutson and Wares.

Locum Clerk, Mrs L Keating

Also present: One member of the press and 17 members of the public

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J Brown, B Howlett, S Tyrer and L Payne.

Noted that the minutes recorded input from a non-parishioner and noted to endeavour prevention of a similar occurrence.
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on Tuesday 20th April 2010 (previously circulated) be approved by the Chairman and signed as a true record.

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS (Councillor D Smith)
Mr D Smith questioned the members on the expenditure of the money donated over recent years; requesting that an independent inquiry to be undertaken. Cllr Brown stated that discussions had taken place as an emergency item at the previous Town Council meeting with full details to be received for further investigation under the new Town Council following the May elections. Cllr Brown further assured Mr Smith that he will be kept fully informed in writing of any findings if unable to attend the relevant meeting.
RESOLVED: Matter for future agenda

Mrs B Holbrook referred to a question previously put to the members in relation to the need of 16 Councillors on Harwich Town Council when in evidence the attendance has been generally low.

Cllr Double confirmed that the number set for all wards is the responsibility of the Boundary Commission without consultation with the Town Council.

Mrs Holbrook commented that more commitment should be encouraged in attending meetings and a lower allowance claimed in turn saving money that would enable issues such as dog fouling and the need for Lollipop ladies to be addressed.

Cllr Calver agreed with the issues raised however stated that the issue of dog fouling lays with TDC and the employment of Lollipop Ladies lays with ECC therefore any savings from the Harwich Town Council would have no impact.

Mrs L Donn asked the current position in relation to funding obtained from the planning application submitted by the Lidl supermarket under Section 106 Agreement and for details of any proposed project in place.

Cllr Calver reported that the current administration at TDC have organised a study of Dovercourt in order to identify a project for the area in line with criteria set in the remit in order to release the finances; circa £102k. The party holding the funds could
not be confirmed.

A meeting has been requested to be held by TDC for public consultation on the results of the study.
RESOLVED: TDC to be addressed to identify the party holding the funds and public meeting date sought following the May elections.

Dr T Rogers asked the intention of the Town Council to act as co-ordinators in encouraging those with enforcement powers to act against irresponsible actions taken by jet ski users within the designated area in Dovercourt Bay.

Cllr Calver reported that TDC are proposing to extend the area and improvements have been made in marking the area and signage is already in place.

Mr A Woods highlighted the need for both swimmers and jet ski users to show consideration with individuals being taken to task.

Mr Abbott, Vineways, asked for the behaviour of cyclists along the promenade also to be taken into account.

Cllr Morrison proposed that the new council should discuss the monitoring of both issues and to take a leading role in liaising with the enforcement bodies as an early agenda item.
RESOLVED: Matter for future agenda

Dr T Rogers asked for the criteria to be applied in relation to the outcome of the success of the market and as to the duration of the scheme to be made transparent. Dr Rogers showed his disappointment in not having received any feedback from the Mayor as promised from his question first submitted on 25/11/10.

Cllr Brown was unable to answer for the Mayor and assured Dr Rogers he would raise the issue with her once able.

Dr Rogers raised concerns that the stallholders were not local therefore not reflecting the Tendring Matters push to support local businesses.

Cllr Double responded in stating that in creating a vibrant environment within the High Street has assisted in returning confidence in the centre with the majority of vacant shops being re-opened with new businesses.

Cllr Callendar reported that the Dovercourt Partnership encouraged local businesses to be involved in the introduction of the market.

Mr M Donn, a Dovercourt businessman stated that the market traders also contribute to additional business for local shops and eateries whilst in the area.
RESOLVED: Cllr Brown to request the Mayor to respond to Dr Rogers and establish the future of the market in contacting Lesley Pollard, Harwich and Dovercourt Partnership

Dr Rogers reported on his observations in relation to the user-friendliness of the website and requested a review of the website to be undertaken. Dr Rogers highlighted the fact that the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting 2010 were not available to download.

Cllr Double responded stating that the option to have the minutes of the Annual Town Meetings to be agreed at the next Full Meeting of the Town Council could be adopted allowing early issue to the website.

Cllr Double acknowledged that the website is due for an overview to make it more user friendly together with the Clerk to have full administration control: Cllr Double made a recommendation for such to be carried out under the new council following the May elections.
RESOLVED: Future agenda item

Ms C Thompson asked what expectation of the Harwich Town Councillors had of their colleagues in sharing information gained from their roles as either District or County Councillors.

The general consensus was that better internal communications would benefit the workings of the Harwich Town Council and in turn those they represent.
RESOLVED: Future agenda item

Ms Thompson referred to a previous request for better facilities to be in place specifically in the vicinity of the Mariners PH, West Street Harwich.

Cllr Colbourne stated that TDC have carried out a survey of the area finding additional litter bins being needed, and since placed, in certain park areas only.

An unknown issue logged by Ms J Lenton was acknowledged with further information to be sourced.
RESOLVED: Cllr Brown to contact Ms Lenton to request her question to be put in writing to the Town Council for consideration.

Mr A Woods expressed his appreciation to all members of the Harwich Town Councillors present for their work undertaken on behalf of the members of the public.
Cllr Browne expressed his thanks for the members of the public present in attending the Annual Meeting of the Harwich Town Council.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10 pm.
