Allotments Minutes 29th October 2014
held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich
Wednesday 29th October 2014 at 7.00pm
Present: | |
In the Chair: | Councillor D McLeod |
Clerk: | Michelle Townsend |
Also present: | Site Representatives, Mr McCoy, Mr Edmunds, Mr Button (until 7.40pm) and Mrs Steward 2 members of the public and no members of the press |
A33/14 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies received from Councillor Day and Site Representatives Miss Clark, Mr Mesher and Mr O’Hara |
A35/14 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Allotments meeting held on 26th August 2014 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record.FURTHER RESOLVED: that the confidential minutes of the Allotments meeting held on 26th August 2014 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
A38/14 | VACANT PLOTS/ WAITING LIST/NOTICES TO QUIT The Clerk advised members of the following:
A39/14 | SITE REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS Mr Button –.Fence has been semi repaired. Mr Edmunds – Nothing to report Mr McCoy –.Plot 9 – not in a good condition- needs to be reviewed. Mrs Steward – Site is untidy – meeting with the Clerk next week to review action required. |
A40/14 | SITE REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES The Chairman advised the Site Representatives of the importance to make the office aware of any issues which the Council would need to address but it was stressed that they are not there to act as policemen. On behalf of the Committee, Councillor J Henderson thanked the Site Representatives for all your help and support. |
FOOTPATH ADJACENT TO BOATSWAINS CALL ALLOTMENT SITE Members discussed complaints received regarding the reoccurring issues with overgrowth and fly-tipping along the footpath which has several access points to the allotment site. HTC have been advised that TDC and ECC do not own this land and that the access route was created by the developers building in Manor Road for residents to gain access to the rear of their properties. RESOLVED: Clerk to write a polite letter to the relevant residents of Manor Road requesting that they remove any vegetation from their land that is creating an overgrowth on to the allotment site. |
A42/14 | REQUEST TO HALF A 10 ROD PLOT RESOLVED: To approve the request to half plot BC19. |
A43/14 | ALLOTMENT ASSOCIATION HUT Members reviewed the terms of the lease and progress made with improvements to the Association Hut by the lease holder. |
A44/14 | REVIEW METHOD FOR PAYMENT OF YEARLY RENTS Councillor J Henderson suggested that electronic payments would be a more efficient method of payment for the allotment rents and would ease the work involved and assist plot holders which accessibility for payment. Cllr J Henderson proposed that all future rent payments are to be made as direct credit to the bank and was lost by 4 votes to 3. Cllr Calver proposed that a working party should be set up to review all aspects of rent receipts. RESOLVED: Working Party to be set up comprising of Assistant Clerk, Chairman, Chairman of F&GP Committee, Cllr C Powell and Cllr Calver. |
A45/14 | ALLOTMENTS DATABASE RESOLVED: To approve request for further development of database to produce a report for plots under action at a cost of £50 which will be expended from the AD/ICT budget. |
A46/14 | BUDGET FOR MUNICIPAL YEAR 2015/16 The Chairman provided members with an update on budgets spent year to date and expenditure due to be incurred for 2014/2015. Members discussed possible future projects and proposed budgets for 2015/16. RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: Budget for the Municipal Year 2015/16GROUNDS MAINTENANCE – 3000 WATER RATES – 1800 RESERVE FUND – No funds to be added to the reserve fund this year |
A47/14 | MATTERS RECEIVED IN THE POST OR RAISED BY MEMBERS Cllr McLeod raised concerns regarding the overgrowth and poor condition of the footpath leading to King Georges Avenue allotment site. Councillor Calver agreed to liaise with the Clerk to ascertain ownership, responsibility for clearance and whether any conditions appertaining to improvements of the path were attached to the Capital House Site development. |
A48/14 | TO RESOLVE TO PERMIT SITE REPRESENTATIVES TO REMAIN IN THE MEETING DURING CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS RESOLVED: To permit the Site Representatives to remain in the meeting during confidential business. |
A49/14 | TIME AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Allotments Committee will be held at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich on Tuesday 16th December 2014 at 7pm. |
A50/14 | EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS Pursuant to Sub-Section 2 of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the meeting was closed to the press and public for the transaction of the under-mentioned business:
The Chairman closed the public part of meeting at 8.10pm