Planning Minutes 11th December 2013
Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee
held at
The 1912 Centre, Cow Lane, Harwich
Wednesday 11th December 2013 at 6.45pm
Present: | Councillors Brown, Calver (from 6.55pm), Day, Flavell, Fowler, I Henderson, J Henderson, King, McLeod, Morrison (from 6.55pm), Nicholson, C Powell, F Powell and Thompson, Thurlow |
In the Chair: | Councillor Todd |
Clerk: | Mrs Lucy Ballard |
Also present: | 1 member of the public and 1 member of the press |
Public Question Time: Dr Rogers raised concern about loss of jobs in the area and asked Council, in relation to item 7 and the Harwich Valley development, what due diligence HTC will take given the promise of the creation of 1500 jobs, if and when an application is submitted. Cllr Flavell stated that Ramsey & Parkeston Parish Council would also consider any application since part of the land in question was within their area, but gave assurances that any application would be given the appropriate scrutiny. Cllr I Henderson added that care should be taken not to overestimate the number of jobs to be created and would urge the developers to be clear on the number and type of jobs to be created.
P65/13 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Calver and Morrison apologised for arriving late. |
P66/13 | DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Cllr McLeod declared a non-pecuniary interest, referring to his position on the Development & Control Committee at TDC |
P67/13 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Planning meeting held on Wednesday 20th November 2013 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
P68/13 | MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Cllr I Henderson thanked HTC for its support with the Horseley Cross application which had resulted in the area being reinstated in the Local Plan. |
P69/13 | PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered a schedule of planning applications for weeks ending 22nd November, 29th November and 6th December 2013, aswell as revisiting an application from week ending 1st November. RESOLVED: Recommendations in Appendix ‘A’ be submitted to Tendring District Council. |
P70/13 | MATTERS RECEIVED IN THE POST OR INFORMATION RAISED BY MEMBERS Members noted an approved application – 13/01198/TCA |
P71/13 | POND HALL FARM Members welcomed Carl Minter, Ted Gittens, James Watson and Steven Frith and listened to a presentation on the proposals for the Harwich Valley Development, which provided detail on the proposed makeup (housing, cinema, retail), transport and access considerations, job creation and timeframes for planning applications and commencement of construction works. |
P72/13 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Town Planning meeting will be held at the Long Meadows Community Centre, Dovercourt, on 2nd January 2014 at 6.30pm. |
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.34pm.
Recommendations of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 11th December 2013.
Week Ending 22nd November 2013 | ||
13/01321/FUL Mr Kevin Dace |
Proposed two storey rear extension (amendment to planning application no. 13/00843/FUL). | Defer comments until amendments are confirmed by TDC – raise concerns with head of Planning and Portfolio Holder for Planning |
Week Ending 29th November 2013 | ||
13/01332/FUL Mr & Mrs M Charlesworth |
Proposed two storey rear extension | No Objection |
13/01360/TPO Mrs Howell |
1 No. Eucalyptus – pollard back to original points | No Objection |
13/01358/TPO Mrs L Keating |
1 No. Thuja – G4 – fell | No Objection |
Week Ending 6th December 2013 | ||
13/01339/FUL | Single storey extension to provide playroom. | No Objection |
Week Ending 1st November 2013 | ||
13/01215/FUL Tempophase Limited – Mr Thomas Vorhand |
Change of use of shop with first floor flat and balcony to rear elevation | No Objection |