Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Digital Demand Responsive Transport (D-DRT) survey

Digital Demand Responsive Transport (D-DRT) survey that launches today, we would welcome your support with securing as many residents as possible to complete.

The survey seeks to gather resident views on D-DRT to inform a potential future strategy around this and how it may lead to more sustainable travel and reduced car-use in Essex.  The survey is one of the inputs alongside other primary and secondary research into the field of D-DRT, conducted as part of a project with Anglia Ruskin University.

Please share this survey link and ask residents to complete it:  https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/iptu/resident-survey-for-digital-demand-responsive-tra

The survey closes on Sunday 1 November at midnight.