Harwich Town Council

01255 507211

9.30am – 1pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday

Full Council Minutes 30th March 2011

MINUTES of the Meeting of HARWICH TOWN COUNCIL on Wednesday 30th March
2011 at 7 pm at Trinity House The Quay Harwich
Present: Cllrs Burke, Calver, Payne, Colbourne, Callender, Henderson, Rutson and
B Brown
In the Chair: Cllr Tyrer (Town Mayor)
Acting Clerk: Ms Keeley and Temporary Accounts Clerk Mr Laurie
Also present: High Steward C Strachan, Reverend Peter Mann, 20 members of the public
and 1 member of the press
Mrs Holbrook asked whether the information requested at the last Council meeting regarding
Cllrs’ attendance at Full Council meetings was available and the Acting Clerk passed a copy of
this information to Mrs Holbrook in addition to copies being circulated to all those present.
The meeting was suspended for presentations by The Leader Cllr Stock and The Deputy Leader
Cllr Halliday Tendring District Council (TDC) on the Harwich Masterplan.
Apologies were received from the Chief Executive, Ian Davidson (TDC), as he was called to
attend a meeting at TDC.
Prayers were said by Reverend Peter Mann
The Chairman informed members of an additional item for the Agenda being Dovercourt
Christmas Lights (minute 171/10)
161/10 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs McLeod, Double, J Brown, Gardner
and Wares.

163/10 Declarations of Members’ Interests
164/10 Mayor’s Announcements
The Mayor gave a report on engagements carried out since last meeting.
165/10 Minutes of the Last Meeting
Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on
16th February 2011 (previously circulated) be approved by Council and signed
by the Mayor as a true record.

166/10 Financial Update
Copies of the Financial Update and detailed payments and receipts, current
balances, financial activity against budgets and earmarked funds February and
March 2011 were circulated at the meeting and noted.
Mr Laurie outlined the provisional figures for year end 31st March 2011 and
under spend against budget.
Resolved: To authorise payments as listed in Appendix A.

167/10 Annual Insurance Cover
Insurance renewal is due from 1st April 2011 and two quotations were obtained
for 2011/2012. The quotation by Zurich Insurance is £3455.00 and WPS
Insurance Brokers (current insurers) is £5759.92. Both quotations are inclusive
of Insurance Premium Tax.
Resolved: The Acting Clerk to implement insurance renewal for 2011/2011 with
Zurich Insurance.

168/10 Grant Applications
Applications were referred to the next meeting of the Finance and General
Purposes Committee.

169/10 Resignation of Macebearer
Notice of resignation as Macebearer was received from Mr Ken Beaumont.
Resolved: The Mayor to write a letter of thanks to Mr Beaumont.

170/10 Request from Mayflower Project Regarding Gaol at the Guildhall
Cllr Calver informed members of a request to take photographs of the Gaol by
the Mayflower Project team for inclusion in their promotional literature.
Resolved: It was agreed permission be granted subject to the photographs being
used solely for promotional purposes and not for commercial use.

171/10 Dovercourt Christmas Lights
A paper showing expenditure by the Council to local organisations for Christmas
lights in Dovercourt was circulated to members. Cllr Rutson said that monies
had also been given by TDC and that there are just three strings of lights in
Dovercourt Town Centre last Christmas.
Resolved: The matter will be placed on the Agenda at the next meeting of the
Council. Meanwhile, Cllr Rutson agreed to obtain information on similar
expenditure by TDC and other organisations and pass to the Acting Clerk for
circulation to members of the Council and to members of the Council for the
next municipal year.

172/10 New Taxi Rank – Harwich
Following a licensing application from owners of The Billy public house in West
Street Harwich Cllr Payne is concerned for nearby residents regarding the level
of noise during departure late evening when taxis arrive to collect customers.
Cllr Payne suggests placement of a taxi rank near to the telephone box/high
lighthouse in Main Road/West Street to operate possibly between 10 pm and 2
Resolved: The matter is placed on the Agenda of the first meeting of the
Environment and Highways Committee in 2011/2012. Cllr Payne said he would
willingly attend this meeting (as a town citizen) to explain and support the

173/10 Open Days at the Guildhall
Members were informed that the Guildhall will be open to members of the
public during the Harwich Festival (2/3 and 9/10 July) and during English
Heritage Open Days (10/11 September). As in previous years volunteer
members of the Council 2011/2012 assist as attendants.

174/10 Electric Palace Centenary
A special event in celebration of the centenary year is being organised by
Trustees and volunteers/employees of the Electric Palace Cinema and the
Council agreed to give their full support.

175/10 S106 Money – Lidls
Cllr Tyrer said she had received no information.
Resolved for referral to Council following elections.
176/10 Correspondence Received
National Express – Connecting Trains at Manningtree Rail Station
Further to minute 158/10, a letter was received from National Express with
information as to measures in place to assist in ensuring passengers do manage
to board the connections and that staff have the authority to hold the branch train
if they believe it necessary.
It was felt that these measures may not allow sufficient time for members of the
public to take the connecting train taking in consideration the logistics.
Resolved: The Acting Clerk to write and ask if a representative of National
Express would attend a meeting to discuss the matter further.
Letter from the Harwich Society
A letter of thanks from the Harwich Society for financial support in enabling the
Society to attend the Essex Tourism and Leisure Show on 24th February to
promote Harwich and Dovercourt.
Letter from Bernard Jenkin MP
Further to minute 144/10, a letter was received from Mr Jenkin regarding
decommissioning of the tidal flood sirens in Harwich enclosing a response to
him from the Chief Executive, ECC, and his decision to decommission the sirens
in consultation with the Environment Agency. The ECC Cabinet Office is
currently undertaking a feasibility study of using cell broadcasting as an
additional method of communication.
Resolved: The Acting Clerk to write to Mr Jenkin thanking him for his letter and
inform him that the Council is totally opposed to losing the siren for the Town.
Neighbouring etwork Meetings
A communication was received from the Clerk, Ramsey and Parkeston Parish
Council asking if the Council is willing to join with neighbouring Councils to
work together on shared issues and progression for the area in the new municipal
Resolved: The Acting Clerk to respond that we would like to participate in the
new municipal year.
Cllr Payne declared an interest in the following matter and left the room during discussion of
this matter.

177/10 Fryatt Hospital
Further to minute 154/10, the Acting Clerk reported that no response had been
received to date received from Dr Sweeney, GP, representative for Tendring on
the Commissioning Board.
Resolved: The Acting Clerk will forward a copy of the original letter sent to Dr
Sweeney of the NEE Primary Care Centre Colchester, as his surgery in Clacton,
given that the original letter may not have been received by him.
Cllr Payne returned to the meeting.

178/10 Date of Next Meeting
The date of the Annual Council Meeting originally planned for 11th May is to be
changed to 18th May to allow for proper notice of the Meeting given that
elections are on 5th May and the new Councillors would not be in office until
four days after the elections.
The date of the Annual Town Meeting is Tuesday 19th April at Long Meadows
Community Centre, Dovercourt, at 7 pm or at the rise of the Town Planning
Meeting whichever is the later.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40 pm.
