Finance Minutes 12th March 2013
MINUTES of the Meeting of the Finance & General Purposes Committee
held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich
on Tuesday 12th March 2013
Present: | Councillors Brown, Fowler, I Henderson, Todd, Thurlow and Mcleod |
In the Chair: | Councillor Day |
Clerk: | Mrs Michelle Townsend |
Also present: | 2 members of the public and no members of the press |
Public Question Time:
Cllr Day confirmed that the following emergency item had been added to the agenda due to time constraints: Renewal of Annual Insurance.
F37/12 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs Calver and Thompson |
F39/12 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes meeting held on Tuesday 11th December 2012 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
F40/12 | MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES DPL fire & security recommendations– The Clerk confirmed that M&G Fire Protection (Essex) Ltd and Firesite will be carrying out inspections and making necessary recommendations. |
F41/12 | PRESENTATION FROM HARWICH FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Peter Davis and Diane Burrell gave a short informative presentation giving details of the intended 70 recitals and events running during the festival of which there are many free lunch time events and exhibitions with a wide genre to suit all tastes. They confirmed that the festival had grown and that the marketing strategy should attract a higher level of visitors to the local area. |
F42/12 | RENEWAL OF ANNUAL INSURANCE POLICY The Clerk confirmed that the renewal documents had been received but felt that it was necessary to review the levels of cover. It was felt that immediate valuations would be necessary to ensure that HTC assets were adequately insured.RESOLVED: Clerk to instruct valuations for all HTC assets and report costs at the next meeting. If time permits, prior to renewal date, two other quotations for the same level of cover should be sought. If it is not possible, the exiting insurer is to be notified of any necessary amendments and adjust the valuation figures accordingly. |
F44/12 | HARWICH FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: to grant £4,050 S145 funding from next years financial budget. |
F45/12 | GRANGE CO-OPERATIVE SINGERS RESOLVED: to grant £350 S145 funding. |
F47/12 | TENDRING EXTENDED SERVICES RESOLVED: to grant £300 S137 funding. |
F48/12 | INTERIM AUDIT Members noted the interim audit carried out by R Laurie and commended the Clerk and team for their work.RESOLVED: Working party to meet, comprising of the Clerk, Cllr Day and Cllr Calver to review grant funding policy and report back. |
F49/12 | HILL SCHOOL SITE SUB COMMITTEE RESOLVED: Cllr Fowler appointed as the new Committee member. FURTHER RESOLVED: Following a rent review, it was agreed that there would be no rent increase for the Rock School |
F50/12 | GUILDHALL DISABLED ACCESS Members reviewed the current position of the project. RESOLVED: Working party set up comprising of Cllr Day, Cllr McLeod and Cllr I Henderson to assess the Feasibility Study and collate an action plan. |
F51/12 | LEISURE FACILITIES Lease – Clerk confirmed that TDC had still not drawn up the lease for the Putting Green but had agreed that the rent for 2013/2014 would be £1000pa. Members were notified of the two recent acts of vandalism on the hut and TDC’s intention to replace the hedging with an iron fence. Cllr Todd updated members with Cllr J Henderson’s ideas for enhancing and utilising the green.RESOLVED: Clerk to write to TDC to inform them that HTC did not wish the hedge to be replaced with a fence and suggest that it is in-filled with shrubs. Clerk to write a further letter to Andy White, TDC requesting urgent repairs to the shed and redecoration or replacement to ensure that it is adequate for the leisure attendants to work from.Opening/Staffing – Easter weekend could be problematic due to weather conditions but would be reviewed nearer the time. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact The Buffalos regarding staffing for the next season. Charges – Current charges were reviewed. RESOLVED: An increase to £1.60 for an adult to play croquet. A £1 refundable deposit will be charged per golf ball. Croquet Equipment – Costs to purchase a second set of croquet equipment was considered. |
F52/12 | MATTERS RECEIVED IN THE POST OR INFORMATION RAISED BY MEMBERSH&D Community Association – Members noted the letter confirming the breakdown of spend for the grant awarded in 2012/13 Harwich Quay Fireworks Committee – Members noted the letter of thanks. Financial breakdown outstandingDiane Steadman Consultancy – noted |
F53/12 | DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be advised in due course |
F54/12 | EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS Pursuant to Sub-Section 2 of Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the meeting is closed to the press and public for the transaction of the under-mentioned business:To consider and decide upon legal, financial and personnel issues in relation to the office, IT and Hill School Site |
The Chairman closed the public part of the meeting at 9.38pm