Environment Minutes 20th May 2013
held at
The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich
Monday 20th May 2013 at 7.00pm
Present: | Councillors Flavell, Todd, McLeod, Powell, King, Day, Brown |
In the Chair: | Councillor Fowler |
Clerk: | Mrs M Townsend |
Also present: | Mr M Court, TDC Officer 1 member of the public and no members of the press. |
Paul Preece asked if the Council would consider broadening the role of the Tree Warden following the recent resignation of the Tree Warden for the Old Harwich Area. He felt that the role of an ‘Open Space Warden’ would engage a larger section of the public and have a larger scope to assist with planting in the area. Members felt that the responsibilities would mainly stay the same including reviewing and recommending planting in the area but that a title change may need to be considered along with the area of the Parish covered.
E01/13 | APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr I Henderson |
E02/13 | ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRRESOLVED: To appoint Cllr I Henderson as Vice-Chair of the Environment & Community Committee |
E04/13 | MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING RESOLVED: that the minutes of the Environment & Highways meeting held on 20th March 2013 (previously circulated) be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as a true record. |
E05/13 | MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Queen Victoria Memorial –Members were deeply disappointed that TDC had not undertaken to clean the memorial due to cost, following subsequent prompting by the Clerk and Councillors. The Clerk agreed to continue to pursue the matter and put forward a suggestion to TDC to seal the memorial in order to extend its life span.Norwegian Houses Flood Memorial Plaque (Harbour Crescent) – Cllr Flavell confirmed that Jet & Water had done an excellent job cleaning and refurbishing the plaque and that the brick work has now been restored. |
E06/13 | DISCUSSION WITH MR M COURT FROM TDC RELATING TO TIDY UP TENDING CAMPAIGN Mr Martin Court, a senior Environmental Health officer from TDC was invited to discuss the Tidy Tendring campaign which was launched at the beginning of May. The campaign aims to raise the profile and get communities, schools and groups working alongside Council staff. All parties are invited to get involved with issues relating to littering, fly-tipping, dog fouling, street trading and beach cleaning. Spring clean events have already taken place in Harwich and other areas in Tendring including the Asda litter pick day by the Hangings. TDC have liaised with the Probation Service and Community Payback Schemes who will be offering their support with future litter pick days, included one planned in the Bathside area. Firms are being encouraged to play a part by making pledges to improve their environment and help the area become a cleaner and greener place to live. Members raised issued with fly-tipping, in particular white goods and felt that the agents need to take responsibility. Concerns were also raised regarding the frequency of path sweeping. Mr Court agreed to forward the agreed cleaning schedule to all members. A major Community Safety Event is due to take place on 3rd August at Cliff Park and once finalised, further details will be forwarded. Tidy Tendring is an all year project and TDC welcomed feedback and recommendations. |
E07/13 | RESIGNATION OF TREE WARDEN Cllr Fowler formally notified members that Mr M Stanford had resigned as Tree Warden for the Old Harwich area. RESOLVED: Clerk to organise promoting the vacancy. Letters of interest to be considered at the next meeting along with a review of the job title and scope of responsibilities. |
E08/13 | PROVISION OF BENCH AT HARWICH LIFEBOAT MUSEUM Cllr Flavell put forward a recommendation for a further bench to be sited by the Life Boat Museum. RESOLVED: Clerk to order a Sharlott bench (made from recycled plastic) at a cost of £392.00 and arrange installation via TDC. |
E09/13 | LOCAL HIGHWAYS PANEL On behalf of Cllr I Henderson, the Clerk updated members on progress made thus far for the projects put forward to the LHP and confirmed that the next meeting would be held on 20th June 2013. Cllr Flavell asked members to consider any further proposal to be discussed at the next meeting. RESOLVED: Clerk to request Cllr I Henderson to recommend that the junction at George Street is reinstated for consideration by the Local Highways Panel. |
E10/13 | MATTERS RECEIVED IN THE POST OR RAISED BY MEMBERS (for information only) ‘A Walk on the Wild Side’ – noted 20 Market Street – Members were very disappointed to note that graffiti had been sprayed on the boarding which had recently been erected at this site. Reports to Essex County Highways – Members reported a high number of reports not being acknowledged or dealt with. Clerk agreed to invite a representative from ECH to the next meeting. |
E11/13 | TIME AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Environment & Community Committee will be at The Guildhall, Church Street, Harwich on 10th July 3013 at 7pm |
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.24pm