Tendring District Council (TDC) has a responsibility under the Civil Contingency Act 2004 with regard to Civil Protection and Emergency Management. The TDC Emergency Planning Team maintains regular liaison with partner organisations and maintains a suite of plans and guidance documents to support the repose to, and recovery from, a major emergency affecting the district. As part of their controls in place they undertake to liaise with Parish and Town Councils with regard to the development and maintenance of individual Parish and Town Emergency Plans.
Tendring District Council’s emergency planning information
Harwich Town Council will provide a ‘support’ role and where possible, working within the limited capabilities of the Town Council and Parish community, assist the emergency services and District and County Council.
Harwich Town Council emergency plan – public copy
Please see attached PDF at the bottom of the page.
Be Prepared
Develop Your Own Emergency Plan
- apps.environment-agency.gov.uk/flood/151256
- www.essexprepared.co.uk/upload/documents/ERF_A5_Are_You_Prepared_DRAFT_V3_53fee916b5dc6.pdf
Put Together a Simple Emergency Grab Bag
Be Prepared For Flooding. Advice From Gov.UK – Prepare For a Flood
Register with Floodline Direct Flooding – Who is Responsible For What – Advice From TDC
Be Prepared For Severe Weather
The Met Office. Severe weather warnings for wind, rain or heat waves NHS Choices
Summer health guidance
HTC’s Winter Salt Bag Scheme
Be Prepared For Power Cuts
UK Power Networks